Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Raya Fm:Video for welcoming the body of Arafat Jaradat

رايه الاعلاميه -الترحيب بجثمان الشهيد عرفات جردات

Raya Fm - Welcoming the " Martyr" dead body of the prisoner ' Arafat Jaradat ' who died in the Israeli prisons today,
He is From Sa'er - Hebron 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Birzeit University Student VS Israeli soldiers

Here is some picture that was taken by the Palestinian Photographer Hudaifa Srour for Birzeit student in crashes with the Israeli occupation soldiers in front of Ofer Prison as a support for the prisoners who are in a hunger strike for more than 213 Days . as you see in the pictures the tear gas from the well equipped Israeli soldiers  while the stones and the burned tires from the Palestinian side .

Palestine wellness Stronger than all of the machines 

A Palestinian throwing back a Tear Gas Bomb back 

Holding The Prisoner Picture 

An Israeli press man  injured 

resistance is existence

attacking the Palestinian press 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today's Song ' Black Revolution '

أغنية اليوم من فرقة راب الخليل " الثورة السوداء "  و هي الاغنية الافتتاحيه ل البوم " ثورة " اللتي تتحدث عن الفرقه و ما هدفهم الاساسي في الغناء , تم تصور هذا الفيديو في احدى المصانع القديمه في مدينة الخليل طبعا بإخراج شادي الشريف و تصوير موسى القواسمي , ل مشاهده الفيديو كليب الرجاء الضغط هنا
Today's Song from the "Black Revolution Rap Band " and it is the opening song for the Album " Revolution "  that talkes about the band in general , what are their main purpose of singing . this Video clip was shoot in one of the old factories in Hebron , Directed By Shadi Al-Sharef , Shoot By Musa Al-qawasmeh
To See The VidoClip Please Click Here 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Hundreds protest across West Bank to support hunger strikers

Hundreds protest across West Bank to support hunger strikers
Published today (updated) 15/02/2013 16:18
RAMALLAH (Ma’an) -- Hundreds of Palestinians protested across the West Bank on Friday in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike, sparking clashes with Israeli forces.

Outside Israel's Ofer jail, near Ramallah, hundreds gathered in solidarity with Samer Issawi, who has been on hunger strike for 198 days, and Tareq Qaadan and Jaafar Azzidine who have refused food for 80 days.

Palestinian youths threw stones at Israeli forces, and soldiers attempted to push back the crowds, a Ma'an reporter said. Medics said 156 Palestinians were treated for tear gas inhalation.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said forces were responding to stone-throwing with riot dispersal means.

Palestinian MP Mustafa Barghouthi, Palestinian Knesset member Ahmad Tibi and Islamic Movement in Israel leader Shiekh Raed Salah attended Friday prayers outside the jail.

Barghouthi said around 1,000 Palestinians had gathered to show support to the Palestinians on hunger strike in Israeli jails.

Near Bethlehem in the southern West Bank, protesters raised Palestinian flags at the entrance to Efrat settlement.

Israeli forces assaulted journalists Samer Hamad, Ahmad Mizher and Ma'an cameraman Luai Sababa. Activists Moath al-Laham, Mahmud Alaa al-Din and Marwan Hamoud were also attacked by Israeli soldiers.

Clashes also erupted between demonstrators and Israeli forces at a protest in support of prisoners at Jalama checkpoint, in Jenin in the northern West Bank.

A Palestinian was hit by an Israeli military vehicle and then detained at the protest, a Ma'an reporter said. An Israeli military spokeswoman was not familiar with the incident but said 150 Palestinians were "rioting" at the checkpoint and hurling rocks at soldiers.

She said soldiers responded with riot dispersal means.

'Release all prisoners'

In al-Bireh, near Ramallah, President Mahmoud Abbas visited a solidarity tent to support the hunger strikers.

"As our dream of a state came true, I promise you the release all prisoners from the Israeli jails," the president said.

He called for previous agreements with Israel to be implemented regarding prisoners, and called on Arab countries to help pressure Israel.

The issue of prisoners is the most important part of the Palestinian cause, Abbas said.

Issawi, Qaadan and Azzidine are being held in administrative detention, without charge or trial, in Israel's Ramle prison.

Palestinian Authority Minister of Prisoner Affairs Issa Qaraqe warned Wednesday that the hunger strikes were "a countdown to disaster."

"We are living in very dangerous moments, and we expect that any one of the hunger strikers may die at any moment amid global silence," Qaraqe said at a meeting with UN officials in Ramallah. 

Today's Song ' Bassel '

This Picture Was Taken On  the Eid ,  We visited His grave (Ahmad Shaladeh Frm the Left ,Shihab On The Right )

أغنية اليوم ل فرقة راب الخليل " الثورة السوداء "  بعنوان " باسل النجار " و هو الشخص الصديق لأعضاء الفرقه الذي توفي في حادث مؤسف في يوم عيد ميلاده عن عمر يناهز 16 عام , و قد قمنا نحن أعضاء فرقة راب الخليل " الثورة السوداء " بتأليف و غناء أغنية له تخليدا لصداقتنا التي تم فككها قصرا بسبب وفاته رحمه الله , و اسميناها باسمه , لكم هذه الأغنية مع الكلمات جميعها , الأغنية على شكل صور متحركه تعبر عن الشعور و توصف الكلمات.
ل سماع الأغنية أرجو الضغط هنا 
Today's Song for the Hebron Rap Band " The Black Revolution" Rap Band with a title " Bassel" , Bassel is a name of a guy who used to be a good friend of us, Bassel died in a car accident on his Birthday, he was 16 years old, so we made this song  for him as a memory for our friendship that was broken by the force of destiny, so we named this song on his name , God Bless His Soul .
Here is the song as a slid show with a pictures that describe our feeling ,
To Hear The Song Please Click Here! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today's Song ' Soldiers'

أغنية اخرى اليوم ل فرقة راب الخليل " الثورة السوداء " بعنوان " جنود الاحتلال " حيث تم كتابة و غناء هذه الأغنية باللغتين 
الانجليزيه و العربيه و تتكلم عن اعمال جنود الاحتلال في فلسطين و كيف هي رؤيتهم للحياه و استتمتاعهم بالقتل بدون التفكير أو حتي التردد , تم تصور و اخراج هذا الفيديو كليب بمساعده المخرج الفلسطيني شادي الشريف في المركز الفلسطيني للاعلام و البحوث و التمنيه
Another song in Today's Song for the Hebron Rap group " The Black Revolution Rap Band " with a title of  " Soldiers ", this song was written in two languages Arabic and English   and talks about the Israeli soldiers behavior in Palestine , and how they see the life, also their enjoyment of killing without even thinking  , this video clip  was shoot and directed by the Palestinian Director Shadi Al-sharif at The Media center 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Today's Song ' Gaza '

أغنية اليوم لفرقة راب الخليل " الثورة السوداء" بعنوان "غزه" تم تسجيل هذه الأغنية في  الذكره السنويه  للحرب على غزه من قبل الاحتلال , و الذي سميت ب السبت الأسود بناءا على أول يوم ابتدأ فيه الغزو على قطاع غزه . تحدثت هذه الاغنيه عن الجرائم و .
الخساائر التي اسفرها الاحتلال في القطاع . و عن التضمان المرتبط بأهل غزه

Today's Song from the " Black Revolution Rap Band " with a Title " Gaza " , this song was record in the anniversary of  Gaza war that was named the black Saturday related to the first day of the invasion . The Song talkes about the crimes and the losses that the invasion left on the land of Gaza Strip , and the solidarity with them.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Today's song

اليوم مع اغنيه " الك صوت " تتحدث الاغنية عن ان الارادع قادره على التغير , و كونك فلسطيني  يكفي لاثبات قدرتك على التغير , تمدح في ارادة الأسرى . الصور : معظمها ل طلاب جامعة بيرزيت من المصور حذيفه سرور
Today's song " You Have A Voice " it talks about believing that the willingness is able to change the situation , and being a Palestinian is enough to prove that , its Praise the the Palestinian prisoners willingness . most of the pictures for Birzeit University students By the Photography Hudaifa Sror